Ep 28 - Employer Direct Deposit

Walkthrough of six different services for employer direct deposit, ranging in cost from free to paid, plus some tips & datapoints to help maximize reliability.

Ep 27 - June Recap

Detailed breakdown of churns in June, along with an update on booking ANA, plus a primer on recent events surrounding Celsius, Voyager and crypto as a whole.

Ep 26 - May Recap

Biggest month so far, harvesting bonuses from banks, credit cards, brokerages, crypto exchanges, mealkits, cashback, and cellphones. All the churns!

Ep 25 - Parking Cash

Ideas on best places to park your cash to stay on top of inflation, including banks, bonds, and crypto exchanges. Plus a primer on stablecoins and avoiding collapses like Terra & Luna.

Ep 24 - April Recap

Another big month packed with bank churns (and fails), along with more crypto, bonds, and brokerages. Plus cellphones, mealkits, cashback, and lots of free food.

Ep 23 - ANA First & Business

Step-by-step guide to using AMEX points to secure one of the best value premium cabins, plus booking tips & tricks gathered from 50+ hours of research, phone calls, and experimentation. Brace yourselves, this one goes DEEP 🤓

Ep 22 - March Recap

Another busy month churning banks, treasury bonds, credit cards, mealkits and cellphones, plus updates on some MS opportunities and high-yield stablecoins.

Ep 21 - February Recap

Massive month in February with lots of new bank accounts, some interesting brokerage opportunities, crypto, easy MS, mealkits, cellphones, and cashback.

Bonus - Risk of Ruin Interview

Bonus episode of an interview I did recently on another show, Risk of Ruin. I talk about leaving the work world behind in favor of early retirement, how churning fits into leanFIRE, my time in Japanese jail and our homesteading plans.

Ep 19 - January Recap

Season 2 - Detailed breakdown of January 2022 churns across credit cards, banks, brokerages, cell phones, and misc categories.


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